Archive for February, 2009

Daily Photo – Day ???

I wanted to capture the amazing texture of the lily, the transparency of the petals, and somehow give an impression of the amazing scent that is filling the room. Well, I managed the first one in my not so humble opinion. Having to use the flash at this late hour of the evening meant I […]

Lovely Surprise

Look what I came home to after an exhausting day taking a preschooler on a miriad of errands on a hot, humid day. And the special occasion? “You seemed quite grumpy this morning and I thought this might cheer you up”. Well Mission Success. For the record, the sunburn on my feet is healing nicely […]


I saw this on my way into Palmerston North this morning and on my return I just had to take a photo. Note that the sign is made up of slapping on a graphic for Road Transport (whatever they now call themselves), Transit, the State Highway Sign and Two Words – one of which is […]